Tag: 3d printing

Benchy Has Done Some Experimenting
By: Date: September 2, 2022 Categories: 3D Prints,Experiment,Update Tags: , , , ,

Now that the second week is nearly over, Benchy has decided that it wants to create something for itself, a little experiment while it’s working on getting their schedules all figured out. And it’s an…interesting experiment if we do say so ourself. How about we take at look at what’s going on. This fun looking…

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Benchy Has Been Resurrected!
By: Date: July 26, 2022 Categories: 3D Prints,Experiment,Update Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Well, we now know WHY the Benchy was covered in barnacles, it had been attacked and dragged down to the bottom of the ocean! With the Benchy having been down there for so long, there’s only so much that can happen to it. But when we checked Benchy’s beach this morning, the shark was gone….

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