Benchy Has a Visitor
By: Date: July 13, 2022 Categories: 3D Prints,Experiment,Update Tags: , , ,

Well, don’t you know it. We have our first interesting thing happening in the case. It seems that something has washed ashore on Benchy’s beach. What do you think it is?

What looks to be a ship, glowing from the UV lights in the case.

As can be seen, or not, from the photo above, there is a visitor on the beach. Sure doesn’t look all that sea worthy…or even beach worthy. But how about we take a closer look at them without the lights?

Ah, that’s better. We can actually see who has come to visit Benchy. It looks to be another Benchy, but this one has been underwater for quite some time, having been broken in half and is now covered in coral. What do you think caused this Benchy to wreak?

If you have any ideas, leave them in the comments below and be sure to check back to see what happens next!

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