Benchy Has Been Resurrected!
By: Date: July 26, 2022 Categories: 3D Prints,Experiment,Update Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Well, we now know WHY the Benchy was covered in barnacles, it had been attacked and dragged down to the bottom of the ocean! With the Benchy having been down there for so long, there’s only so much that can happen to it. But when we checked Benchy’s beach this morning, the shark was gone. The kraken is still there, maybe he thinks he can grab another Benchy, who knows. But! There seemed to be two new visitors to the beach, and these ones had an unearthly glow. Take a look for yourselves!

Two new visitors with unearthly glows about them…

Goodness! Whoever do you think these visitors could be?? Well, let’s take a look at them NOT in the UV light.

The two new visitors not in UV light

We have two Benchys that Glow in the Dark, and one is a pirate Benchy and the other is a skull-fused Benchy. It looks as though the Benchy that washed up on our beach may have been a pirate ship, and its ghost is chasing it throughout Benchy’s beach.

An update on the Benchys that are floating in their containers of water, they are still alive. They are all upside down still, but again Benchy is not the most sea-worthy craft, other than the fact that they can float when exposed to water. And no leeching of materials found yet either, but tune in next week to see what happens!.

3 thoughts on “Benchy Has Been Resurrected!

    1. hello! Unfortunately, no, Benchy doesn’t have an Instagram account. I’m honestly not sure we’d be able to do an Instagram account, we’ll have to double-check with those above us 🙂

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