Benchy Has Flown Too Close to the Sun!
By: Date: September 7, 2022 Categories: 3D Prints,Experiment,Update Tags: , , , , , , , ,

We are late, yes, we know! But it’s because we had to do some emergency operations with Benchy! He was flying last week, as you remember and because of that, we weren’t exactly sure where he had ended up, it took a bit of research on our own part to see where he had ended up. When we finally found him, it seems that he had flown a little close to the sun and seems to be…melting? into a black hole? or just got to close to the sun and is melting in general. We’re not totally sure as of yet.

Benchy seems to be melting

You can see the part of him that hasn’t melted yet there in the middle, but let’s see if we can’t take a look at him without the UV light shining on him.

Benchy has flown too close and now pays the consequences

In other exciting news though, it seems the PETG Benchy has taken on more water. Here are pictures from yesterday.

We also have picture from today. While not the best pictures, because of the containers and the light, you can still see that PETG Benchy has taken on more water and seems to be nearly sitting on the bottom of the container.

It was surprising to us to see that the PETG Benchy was the first to start sinking. I’m not sure why, but I think it’s because it’s a stronger form of plastic, so thought to maybe less likely to leak or absorb water. Once I get a better explanation, I’ll be sure to let everyone else know as well. Check in next week to see what happens next!

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