Benchy Has Taken Flight
By: Date: August 2, 2022 Categories: 3D Prints,Experiment,Update Tags: , , , ,

The ghosts have been exorcised! They have vanished! No, not really, they have made their way to the left-hand side of the case. Except for the ghostly octopus, Benchimus Prime refuses to let him go and we’re inclined to let him keep his prize. With the ghosts making their way to the other side of the case, we can see that someone new has come to visit Benchy’s Beach.

The ghosts have moved and someone new is in their place in the middle of the case.

You can see that there is a new visitor, but as always, the UV lights for the experiment seemed to have washed him out. Let’s take a look at him away from the light.

Benchy has gotten an upgrade in multiple colours!

Looks like Benchy has gotten and upgrade or two! And he’s multi-coloured, which is just cool! it also looks like Benchy will be able to take flight, should he so desire. We’ll have to keep an eye on this particular visitor, just to make sure it won’t escape too soon, or least won’t destroy the beach too much when it takes off.

For those Benchys who have their own private personal beaches, they are still floating in the water. There is also no leeching of colours into the water yet either. Visit the exhibit yourself to see, or come back next week in order to know more.

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