Benchy Has Visitors from Outer Space
By: Date: October 18, 2022 Categories: 3D Prints,Experiment,Update Tags: , , , , , , , ,

With all of the warping and the spinning because of the traveling through space the past two weeks seems to have attracted more attention to Benchy’s private beach. It seems to have brought someone from outer space to see what all of the commotion is about. Should we take a look to see who came to the beach?

So we can that our visitor has brought their own Benchy vehicle! They know what a Benchy is at the very least! Or they’re trying to mimic us to show that they are interested in who we are and what we are interested in. Let’s take a better look in better light, to see who our visitor is.

It’s Baby Groot! I fricken’ love Baby Groot, such a happy little guy and he’s dancing! Well, we’re glad that he’s come to visit and we hope that he introduces some chill vibes to Benchy’s private beach.

As for the other Benchy’s that are in their own private beaches, there are none others that have sunk, or leeched colour or material. The only one who has sunk is the PETG Benchy. Check in next week to see what happens next!

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