Benchy Went Zoom!!
By: Date: August 9, 2022 Categories: 3D Prints,Experiment,Update Tags: , , ,

Last week Benchy was a plane, but he has gotten airsick and decided that the sky is no longer for him. He had descended to the earth and is now touring the countryside…well, the beach side. Shall we take a look at how he’s doing?

As you can see, Benchy has given himself an upgrade and he is ready to zoom all around the beach. But, as the UV light does make him blend in, how about we take a look at him outside of the UV light.

Benchy has lost his wings and gained some wheels.

As you can see here, Benchy has ditched the wings and is now zooming around the beach on his new wheels. Let’s hope that he won’t pop a wheelie and cause a contamination to the rest of the private beach Benchys.

As for those Benchys that are in their own tubs of water, there is no leeching of colour or material. So far, it seems these Benchys are holding their own. Check in next week to see what happens next!

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