The Child is Searching
By: Date: September 28, 2022 Categories: 3D Prints,Experiment,Update Tags: , , , , , , , ,

When we last saw Benchy, he had been traveling at warp speed to get to his next destination and he seems to come upon a scene unlike any other. It seems as though the Child, or Baby Yoda as most of us know him, has been seeking for other Jedi throughout the universe once again. Once he found the signal he was looking for, Baby Yoda took off! Benchy followed and what he found next is a feast for the eyes! Or, at least, it a combination of some of the biggest cultural fandoms of our time.

Baby Yoda found the Bencherprise, a form of the Starship Enterprise, only Benchy-fied. We’ll take a closer look at both, maybe we can see what the Child saw when they focused in on the Bencherprise.

The Child is in the middle, between the TPU and the sunken PETG Benchy containers. If you look to the far bottom right, you can also see the Bencherprise. It’s my theory that the reason why Baby Yoda was drawn to this particular area, especially with the Bencherprise so close is because of the experiment itself. There is a lot going on and we have had a lot of visitors these past few weeks. But we’d have to talk to the Child to see what they think and they’re not the most talkative of people.

As for the Benchys in their private pools, the PETG is still sunk and touching the bottom of his container. None of the others have taken on water or leeched any sort of colour or material. Check in next week to see what happens next.

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